Worried about going grey? You're not alone! This new men's shampoo can help you back to darker hair

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 19:07:10

The moment you spot your first grey hair you normally have two choices: leave it - at the risk of appearing older than you really are - or use dye.  

While you can dye or tint your hair at home, the colour you end up with will usually be strikingly different to your own and may include inconsistencies that others will certainly pick up on. 

Not ideal! And let's be honest, no man wants their friend or colleague to ask them if they've dyed their hair. Plus, applying dyes and tints is often inconvenient and time consuming. You'll need to wear gloves and the chemicals can stain your bathroom sink and even your pillows.

The good news is you can now get rid of grey hairs without anyone noticing thanks to a new men's shampoo that's just arrived in the UK from Germany. Powered by cutting-edge technology, it makes grey hair gradually less visible with every wash - slowly restoring your previous hair colour. Introducing... Alpecin Grey Attack!

Could a shampoo that gradually darkens your hair with every wash be the solution to grey hair?

Could a shampoo that gradually darkens your hair with every wash be the solution to grey hair?

Alpecin, Germany's number one men's shampoo brand, first came up with the concept for Alpecin Grey Attack towards the end of 2019. The product entered into development a year later and then, following rigorous testing and fine tuning, went on sale in summer 2023 before immediately selling out. 

Why grey isn't the new black 

While some people like the look of grey hair, many don't. In one survey, a dating platform asked more than a thousand over 50s whether they found grey hair attractive. The result? Just 39 per cent said yes. 

Most of the wider public seem to agree, with just a third polled by research firm Perspectus Global saying they preferred grey hair to hair that had been dyed. And, perhaps counterintuitively, just 20 per cent considered it to be mature and sophisticated. 

Many people believe that you should embrace grey hair as a natural part of ageing, and that's fair enough. Yet what if a man thinks they are too youthful to go grey, or theirs appears in patches? Let's be honest - not all of us are lucky enough to be a 'silver fox'. 

Alpecin, Germany's number one men's shampoo brand, first came up with the concept for Grey Attack towards the end of 2019

Alpecin, Germany's number one men's shampoo brand, first came up with the concept for Grey Attack towards the end of 2019

'I still feel too young' 

Christoph, a 37-year-old from Berlin, recently found his first grey hair.

'At first I thought I wasn't seeing properly, but there are actually a few grey hairs clearly visible in the front and on the back of my neck. Now I think everyone I talk to is just looking at my grey hair. Of course it's nonsense, but I still feel a little too young to wear it as a style.'

Fortunately there was an answer to Cristoph's problems. Grey Attack Shampoo from Alpecin subtly darkens grey hairs with every application - resulting in a younger, more sprightly look. It originates from the lab of Dr Erik Schulze zur Wiesche, head of research and development at Alpecin.

We caught up with him to get the down-low on the new technology. 

Following rigorous testing and fine tuning, the product went on sale in summer 2023

Following rigorous testing and fine tuning, the product went on sale in summer 2023

What's the science behind Alpecin Grey Attack?

Dr Schulze zur Wiesche says: 'The active principle of Alpecin Grey Attack is based on the natural processes of hair colour formation. The active ingredient 5,6-dihydoxyindole (DHI) is a precursor of the natural hair pigment (eumelanin). 

'When the product is used, the natural colour precursor penetrates the hair shaft and forms large dye chains through contact with atmospheric oxygen, analogous to black eumelanin. 

'Simply put: the active ingredient reacts with the oxygen in the air and thereby forms the colour pigment. Over time and with regular use, more and more dye accumulates and a permanent hair colour develops.'

This graph shows how the shampoo gradually makes your hair darker every time you use it. Once it's dark enough, you can start using it less

This graph shows how the shampoo gradually makes your hair darker every time you use it. Once it's dark enough, you can start using it less 

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Spot the difference! A model pictured before and after using Alpecin Grey Attack

What makes it stand out from market rivals?  

Dr. Schulze zur Wiesche: 'The use of the active ingredient in a shampoo is particularly innovative: we enable men to use the product easily without any additional steps and to have individually controllable colour intensity (depending on the exposure time and frequency of use). 

'Thanks to the very natural looking colour effect, the hair gradually becomes darker - without harsh chemicals such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide and without the complex application of a classic permanent hair colour. 

'In addition, Grey Attack contains Alpecins well-known caffeine formula.'


1. Colouring

Positives: It works quickly and results in a noticeable change. 

Negatives: The final results can look artificial, especially if the colour you choose is particularly intense. Plus, people who've seen your normal hair will know straight away that you've had it dyed. Colouring can also damage your hair and needs to be repeated regularly, which leads to costs mounting up. 

Christoph's view: 'I don't dare dye my hair, even at the hairdressers. It gets way too dark - I look like I have shoe polish on my head.'

Other techniques for covering up grey hairs come with several disadvantages

Other techniques for covering up grey hairs come with several disadvantages 

2. Tinting 

Positives: You can get rid of a tint you don't like in a few washes. And because it only affects the outer layer of your hair, it's less likely to cause damage than colouring. 

Why your hair never really turns grey after all 

If we're being technical, your hair never actually goes grey - but white! To understand why, you first need to know some science. Humans have an average of 100,000 hair follicles, and each of these has a set number of stem cells. These stem cells, in turn, produce the specialist cells that are needed to produce the pigment that is needed for hair colour. 

But at a particular age, which can be as early as your mid-20s to as late as your 50s, these specialist cells stop producing pigment, leading to you growing hair that lacks colour. 

This missing hair colour is replaced by air bubbles, turning the hairs white. But as you grow more white hairs, they combine with your natural colour to produce an overall effect that looks grey. 

As a side note - issues like stress, nutrient deficiencies and medication can lead to you going grey at a younger age.  

Negatives: Every time the tint washes out you need to reapply it. This takes around half an hour and is often difficult and messy, so it requires dedication! Plus, tinting is only suitable when you have a small number of grey hairs. 

Christoph's view: 'I didn't find the tints from the supermarket convincing - it's never my right hair tone, it makes a mess in the bathroom and after three weeks the grey areas come through again.'

3. Colour sprays

Positives: They are simple to apply and relatively cheap. 

Negatives: While sprays can cover a handful of grey hairs, it's hard to cover a larger area - and applying spray to the back of your head takes real skill. The results are often unconvincing and frequently vanish after just one wash. Some products can also stain bedding. 

Christoph's view: 'After the initial shock of my grey hair, I immediately reached for the colour spray because it promised a quick solution. But you could still see the grey areas and I always had a bad feeling when it rained - colour sprays can be washed out, so are only partially waterproof.'

4. Alpecin Grey Attack Shampoo

Positives: It delivers subtly darker hair after every wash with the help of 5,6-DHI, an active ingredient that responds to oxygen in the air. The resulting reaction produces darker colour pigments that become visible after only two to four weeks of daily washing. If you want your hair to appear darker, simply apply the shampoo over a longer period. 

Another positive: In addition to 5,6-DHI the formula also contains caffeine - a popular ingredient in hair loss products. This means there is no need to buy another shampoo to give your hair its daily caffeine boost, saving time and reducing plastic waste. 

Christoph's opinion: 'Alpecin Grey Attack has been in my bathroom for almost two weeks. My first impression is very positive and I can already see a noticeable effect.'

Alpecin Grey Attack is so easy to use. Simply apply it to your hair, leave it in for two to five minutes and wash it out. That's it! Then, after you've reached your preferred colour, use Grey Attack alternatively with normal shampoo to preserve it

Alpecin Grey Attack is so easy to use. Simply apply it to your hair, leave it in for two to five minutes and wash it out. That's it! Then, after you've reached your preferred colour, use Grey Attack alternatively with normal shampoo to preserve it

What makes it worth paying £14.99 for?  

Alpecin Grey Attack Shampoo has three major advantages for men: 

  • TACKLES GREY HAIR: The active ingredient turns your hair gradually darker over time - making it far less obvious to others. You can apply it at home, meaning no expensive visits to the hairdresser, and it's faster to apply than tints or dyes. What's more, it doesn't make a mess and you don't need to wear gloves.
  • QUICK AND CONVENIENT: You'd shampoo your hair anyway and the product only requires two to five minutes of exposure time, allowing you to effortlessly slot it into your daily routine. It cleans your hair and leaves a nice scent. 
  • DELIVERS CAFFEINE: The shampoo contains Alpecin's well-known caffeine complex which delivers a daily boost of caffeine directly to your hair roots and scalp.

Say goodbye to grey: Click here to buy Alpecin Grey Attack on Amazon TODAY!

Read more:
  • Alpecin