Masterful meals: Roast pheasant with a chestnut and cider cream sauce 

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Roast pheasant, chocolate roulade and this sublime soup... a new book features spectacular dishes from a decade of MasterChef champions 

This mouth-watering roast pheasant is perfectly paired with the autumnal flavours of a chestnut and apple cider sauce

This mouth-watering roast pheasant is perfectly paired with the autumnal flavours of a chestnut and apple cider sauce

The rich flavour of roast pheasant pairs beautifully with a black pudding and bacon stuffing, served alongside the autumnal flavours of a chestnut and apple cider sauce.

Serves 4

For the stuffing

  • 75g (2¾oz) unsalted butter
  • 6 smoked streaky bacon rashers, finely chopped
  • 2 banana shallots, finely chopped
  • 3-4 sprigs of thyme, leaves picked
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped or grated
  • 100g (3½oz) fatty black pudding, crumbled or finely chopped
  • 150g (5½oz) panko breadcrumbs

For the pheasants

  • 2 plump hen pheasants
  • 50g (1¾oz) unsalted butter
  • Salt and black pepper
  • 6 smoked streaky bacon rashers

For the sauce

  • 1 shallot, finely chopped
  • 3-4 sprigs of thyme
  • 25g (1oz) unsalted butter
  • 180g packet of vacuum-packed chestnuts, chopped
  • 250ml (9fl oz) chicken stock
  • 250ml (9fl oz) dry apple cider
  • 125ml (4fl oz) double cream

Preheat the oven to 200°C/fan 180°C/gas 6. To make the stuffing, melt the butter in a large frying pan and, when foaming, add the bacon, shallots, thyme, garlic, and black pudding. 

Fry over a low heat for 5-6 minutes, until the shallot is cooked but not coloured. Remove from the heat and mix in the breadcrumbs. Season with black pepper. Set aside to cool.

Untruss the pheasants and use a spoon to fill the cavity with the stuffing, pushing it in firmly. Smear the birds with butter and season, then drape the bacon over them, covering the legs. 

Cook in the oven for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, make the sauce. Gently fry the shallot and thyme in the butter for 5 minutes, until transparent. 

Add the chestnuts and stock and simmer until two-thirds of the stock has evaporated. Add the cider, bring to the boil, then simmer until two-thirds of the liquid has evaporated. 

Remove from the heat, stir in the double cream, and season to taste. Remove the birds from the oven and lift off the bacon. 

If it’s not crispy, place it in the pan next to the pheasants. Baste the birds and roast for 15-20 minutes, until pink and juicy when pierced with a knife just above the leg joint. 

Remove from the oven and rest for 10 minutes. To serve, place a leg and a breast on each plate with some stuffing, a slice of bacon, and some of the sauce poured on the side. 

Extracted from MasterChef: The Classics With a Twist, published by DK on 4 October, £25. Recipe and images © Shine TV Limited, 2018. Offer price £20 until 20/10/18. Order at or call 0844 571 0640, p&p free on orders over £15.