Batman: Guardians slugger Josh Naylor celebrates his homer by striking himself on the helmet

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 17:41:39

CLEVELAND (AP) — Guardians slugger Josh Naylor has happily headbutted his manager and pretended to rock a baby after delivering clutch hits in recent years.

He added another memorable celebration to the list Saturday.

Naylor intentionally struck himself on the helmet with his bat as he watched his two-run, go-ahead homer clear the fence in Cleveland’s 6-3 victory over the Oakland Athletics.

“Josh adds a dynamic to our lineup that we really need and he does it every day,” said left fielder Steven Kwan, who scored on the hit. “When you’re having fun, the stress is less.”

The animated Naylor used a two-handed smack to his head while passing the visiting dugout, then spiked the lumber onto the grass, but said the contact didn’t “really” hurt. The fifth inning shot to right-center came off starter Alex Wood.

“It was a cool moment, but it was for the boys and that’s all I really play for,” Naylor said.

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