Musgrove goes 7 innings and Bogaerts homers as the Padres beat the Blue Jays 6

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 21:28:19

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Joe Musgrove pitched seven innings for the first time since July 4 and Xander Bogaerts homered for the San Diego Padres, who beat the Toronto Blue Jays 6-3 on Sunday to avoid a three-game sweep.

Musgrove improved to 4-0 against the Blue Jays, who picked him in the first round of the 2011 draft. The big right-hander from suburban El Cajon allowed solo homers to Davis Schneider and Ernie Clement but otherwise pitched well enough to improve to 3-2. He allowed three runs on five hits and struck out three, with no walks.

“I don’t ever want to lose, but I feel like there is some kind of edge there, against the team that drafted me,” Musgrove said. “I was excited to be with them and wanted to make my debut with that team and didn’t get a chance to. I wanted to be good today for these guys more so than I wanted to beat them.”

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